Happy New Year 2016!
Warmest thoughts and Best Wishes for a wonderful Holiday Season and a very Happy New Year 2016!
Let this coming year be better than all the others. Vow to do some of the things you've always wanted to do but couldn't find the time. Call up a forgotten friend. Drop an old grudge, and replace it with some pleasant memories. Vow not to make a promise you don't think you can keep. Walk tall, and smile more. You'll look ten years younger. Don't be afraid to say, 'I love you'. Say it again. They are the sweetest words in the world.
When the clock strikes twelve on December 31st, people all over the world cheer and wish each other a very Happy New Year. For some, this event is no more than a change of a calendar. For others, the New Year symbolizes the beginning of a better tomorrow- filled with new love, prosperity, success and luck.
Who knows, maybe someone's letter to Santa this year asked for YOU?
Warmest wishes for you in the NEW YEAR 2016 from New-Dating.com
“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day.” (c)
― Edith Lovejoy Pierce